Instrum-Rand designs and manufactures a range of mixers on the base of MRV series air motors.

Mixers based on MRV series motors Mixers based on MRV series motors
Mixer 47080 on the base of Airmotor MRV003AL Mixer 47081 on the base of Airmotor MRV009A


Mixers are widely used for mixing dyes and other liquids in chemical and electronic industries.

  • Mixer 47080 on the base of Airmotor MRV003AL
  • Mixer 47081 on the base of Airmotor MRV009A
  • Mixer 47082 on the base of Airmotor MRV050A
  • Mixer 47083 on the base of Airmotor MRV009A
  • Mixer 47094 on the base of Airmotor MRV009Ñ
  • Mixer 47096 on the base of Airmotor MRV015B
  • Mixer 47097 on the base of Airmotor MRV050RSSA

Specifications mixers